Featuring Easy Garden Cupcakes Tutorial
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Welcome to our weekly PIN-spiration Link Party!
Each week we see some pretty fantastic posts and projects here at the Tuesday PIN-spiration Link Party! I must admit I have been pinning them to some of my other Pinterest Boards too – remember there is a Pinterest Board Party Link Up option after the Link your Pin Party option in this post 🙂
Who doesn’t want to be inspired by creative pins on Pinterest?
So please remember to scroll to the very bottom of this post to add your Pinterest Account link so we can see what else you have pinned to your boards too!
Would you like to be a Featured Blogger at a Future Tuesday PIN-spiration Link Party? Sign up below!
Sign up –>here<–
Meet Your Hosts:
Amy from The Stitchin’ Mommy
Follow Amy:
Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Google+
Rhondda from Oombawka Design
Follow Rhondda:
Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Google+
Our picks of the week:
(top)Geometric Monogram Letter–The Crafty Blog Stalker
(bottom) Easter Parade of Handmade Cards & Crafts–Karen Titus
(top)Easy Garden Cupcakes Tutorial– Tikkido
(bottom) Criss-Cross Purse Pattern– The Princess and Her Cowboys
Featured Blogger:
This week our featured blogger is AG Handmades!
“Hi, I am AG … more about the name later!? I’m a former pre-school teacher, child minder and school assistant for children with learning difficulties. I loved my work and found it extremely rewarding, but then decided to stay at home to care for my youngest child.
I live in the UK, and was taught many needlecraft skills as a child – how to do cross-stitch, how to knit and sew, how to do embroidery, and how to crochet. When my eldest children were little, I sewed and knitted a lot of their clothes. My favorite pastime to this day remains the gentle art of crochet. I still have an old afghan made by my grandmother which is one of my treasured possessions. She was a huge inspiration to me. We used to sit through many Saturdays, her in her armchair and me on a stool in front of her, holding her hank of yarn and gently letting it go by tilting each hand in turn until she had rolled the yarn into balls.
Between caring for family and home, I still love to play around with a hook and a skein of yarn in my hand and see what I can come up with. There is something hugely satisfying about starting with nothing and producing something beautiful and useful.
I am not a professional, not by any means. I am, however, learning so much every day through practising my own craft and from other designers.
Many of my “creations” are total one-offs – I make them up as I go, and they turn out differently every time. I like the uniqueness of these things. Some things are standard patterns you will see everywhere, some things are items only you will own and wear!
I try always to take the greatest care when crocheting; I want you to be as satisfied wearing my creations or working with my patterns as I would be myself. I would like to think that my grandmother, my inspiration, would be just as pleased.
If you are just beginning to learn to crochet, I have only one thing to say. “Never give up!” I have spent many hours learning what does not work as much as what does work. Both lessons are valuable. Just be yourself and “create”. Love what you do and do what you love. You’ll be surprised what you can achieve.
You can find my designs on my blog: http://www.aghandmades.blogspot.co.uk
My blog began as a record of my learning as I go, and has developed into not just my own personal record, but also a library of all my own designs. I hope you will go take a look if you get the chance, and leave me a comment. I’ll be glad to hear from you.
Oh and the name?
Well, it’s a little embarrassing but my fiancee, since day one, has called me “Awesome Girl”, a name that he insists on using to this day! When I was looking for a name for my designs, he came up with Awesome Girl Handmades or Awesome Girl Designs. Since I make many ready made items as well as writing patterns, I went with AG Handmades. So, now you know! -AG 🙂“
Here are two great posts from AG’s blog:
(top)Easy Star Stitch Baby Blanket|(bottom)Oh the Possibilities!
Check out all the featured projects and favourites here:
Follow the Tuesday PIN-spiration Features and Favorites Board on Pinterest!
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Thanks for partying with us! See you next week!
By linking up to Tuesday Pin-spiration, you are allowing the use of your pictures if you are featured here. Please note that your pictures will NOT be used for personal use. A proper backlink to your site will always be provided!