
Native American Style Dishcloth ePatterns from ShadyLaneOriginalCrochet Designs

7 Geometric Dishcloth Designs

For our July Crochet Pattern Review and Giveaway, Carol Hegar from Shady Lane Original Crochet Designs has gifted us a copy of her Native American Dishcloths ePattern which includes 7 geometric dishcloth designs. This ePattern will be given away to…

Afghans for the Family

Afghans for the Family

Afghans for the Family includes 7 crochet blanket patterns that would be perfect for any member of the family. Afghans for the Family This book includes 7 projects that are perfectly sized for babies, kids and adults. The patterns include…

Modern Tapestry Crochet Cover Image - Interweave Review - Oombawka Design Crochet

Modern Tapestry Crochet – Interweave – Review

Have you seen Alessandra Hayden’s (Just Be Happy) new book? Modern Tapestry Crochet was published in 2017 and is available from Interweave. It includes 20 bold colorwork tapestry crochet patterns, along with easy-to-follow written instructions and tips and tricks to…