Featured Charity

October Featured Charity Challenge to Crochet for Cancer Chemo Caps 2

October Featured Charity Challenge

This month, instead of introducing you to a new charity that could use our help, our Guest Poster, Christine from Sweet Potato 3, would like to invite you to participate in a month-long crochet challenge. Christine is hosting a Crochet…

CLICK for Babies. Featured Crochet Charity for July 2018. Presented by Sweet Potato Crochet Creations for Oombawka Design fb

Our July Featured Charity is CLICK for Babies

Welcome! Our July Featured Charity is CLICK for Babies and it is being presented by Carol Rupprecht of Sweet Potato Crochet Creations.  Although this may not be a local Charity to us all, I hope by sharing it with our…

May 2018 Featured Charity. Knots of Love. Presented by Marie. Underground Crafter. Oombawka Design Crochet. Insta

Featured Crochet Charity. May 2018. Knots of Love

Our Featured Crochet Charity May 2018:  Knots of Love.  Presented by Marie Segares of Underground Crafter. Although this may not be a local Charity to us all, I hope by sharing it with our friends and family, Knots of Love will receive the…

Featured Charity of the Month for March Mittens for Detroit presented by Sonya for Oombawka Design Crochet

Featured Charity March 2018 – Mittens for Detroit

Our Featured Charity for March 2018:  Mittens for Detroit Presented by Sonya Blackstone of Blackstone Designs Although this may not be a local Charity to us all, I hope by sharing it with our friends and family, Mittens for Detroit will…