Beginner Crochet


Beginner Crochet: Lesson 7: Learn to Crochet Quick Stitch Guide

Welcome Back! Thank you for following along with our Tutorial Thursday Series. In Lesson 7:  Beginner Crochet I have provided a Quick Video for the Following Basic Stitches: joining with a slip stitch single crochet half double crochet double crochet treble…

Beginner Crochet How To Crochet the Slip Stitch Lesson 6

Beginner Crochet: Lesson 6: Learn to Crochet the Slip Stitch

Welcome Back! Thank you for following along with our Tutorial Thursday Series. In Lesson 6: Beginner Crochet you will learn how to crochet the Slip Stitch. This week I will demonstrate how to crochet the slip stitch. To review our previous lessons please visit:…

Beginner Crochet into the starting chain

Learn How to Crochet: Beginner Level Videos

If you are just learning how to crochet, or you need a quick refresher, these video tutorials will help you understand how to make your stitches! I have a video available for each of the basic stitches listed below and…

Victoria Stitch Dishcloth Pattern and Tutorial Oombawka Design

Victoria Dishcloth Pattern and Tutorial

The Victoria Dishcloth is another v-stitch variation which is made up of double crochet stitches, single crochet stitches and chain stitches. The pattern instructions include 4 sizes of squares you can crochet as dishcloths or afghan squares. The photo tutorial…

Crochet V-Stitch Dishcloth Oombawka Design Crochet

Lacy V-Stitch Dishcloth Pattern and Tutorial

This is another V-Stitch Variation you can use to make your crochet projects.  You can view our other dishcloth tutorials below too if you are looking for a different v-stitch pattern to try, or another stitch. We have more than…

Cottage Twists Dishcloth Oombawka Design Crochet

Cottage Twists Dishcloth Pattern and Tutorial

Today I am going to show you another variation on the v stitch. This v-stitch alternates with a row of single crochet. This is a great beginner crochet project to try and I have included a photo tutorial to help…