You Will Love These 6 Polish Star Christmas Patterns

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Have you seen this stunning stitch pattern before? Polish Star Christmas by Dot Drake explains how you crochet it and includes 6 crochet patterns you can crochet for the Holidays! Read my full review below and enter for a chance to win your very own eBook copy of the book.

Review of Polish Star Christmas by Dot Drake at Annie's Craft Store

Title: Polish Star Christmas
Author: Dot Drake
Publisher: Annie’s Craft Store

Polish Star Christmas

During the summer I saw this stitch being used for a baby blanket and I was intrigued by how different is was. I stumbled upon the Polish Star Christmas eBook by Dot Drake at Annie’s Craft Store and I knew it needed to be our next Review and Giveaway Selection.

Remember if you want to have a say in what eBooks from Annie’s Craft Store I review and offer as our Giveaway item each month, all you need to do is leave me a comment in this post with the title of the book. 

Polish Star Christmas includes 6 designs you can crochet around a Christmastime theme. Choose from a gift bag (fancy enough to be a handbag!), a stunning tree skirt, a unique stocking, a vintage style mantelcloth, a thread crochet angel and a gorgeous afghan design.

Although the Polish Star Stitch appears to be extremely complicated it is actually quite simple! The process is 2-part – first you crochet the loops and then you weave them together to create the finished stitch. The Polish Star Stitch uses an Interwoven Chain Loop Technique.  If you need additional assistance beyond the written Steps and Diagrams which are included in each pattern I have located an excellent demonstration video showing you how to weave the loops. Once you ‘see’ how they are woven in the video, the diagrams included in Polish Star Christmas are simple to follow. You can check out the video tutorial online if you need the visual too.

The six patterns included in this 15-page eBook are:

  • Christmas Gift BagSize: 5 3/4 inches across (bottom) and 8 inches tall; Hook: 4 mm (G); Yarn: medium weight [4] yarn
  • Christmas Tree Skirt – Size: 21 1/4 inches wide; Hook: 4 mm (G) and 5 mm (H); Yarn: medium weight [4] yarn
  • Christmas Stocking – Size: 8 3/4 inches by 13 inches; Hook: 4 mm (G); Yarn: medium weight [4] yarn
  • Christmas Afghan – Size: 46 inches by 72 1/2 inches; Hook: 5.5 mm (I); Yarn: medium weight [4] yarn
  • Christmas Mantelcloth –  Size: 9 1/2 inches by 40 inches; Hook: No. 8 Steel; Yarn: size 10 crochet thread
  • Christmas Angel –  Size: 13 inches; Hook: No. 8 Steel; Yarn: size 10 crochet thread

Back Cover Review of Polish Star Christmas by Dot Drake at Annie's Craft Store

Each pattern is written in U.S. (American) Crochet Terms. Titles, subtitles, the row and round numbers and special instructions are provided in bold font making it easy to scan the pattern to locate the information you are looking for. Gauge is provided and varies for each design. The Basic Stitches are listed by abbreviations (i.e. ch, sl st, sc, hdc, dc) and the Special Stitches are listed by full name (i.e. Treble Crochet Front Post), abbreviation(s) (i.e. tr fp) , as well as, a written description of how to make the stitches.

The Christmas Stocking pattern uses decrease stitches. The information explaining the hdc/dc dec and the dc/hdc dec are included in the Special Stitches Section and then in the instructions you will find dc/hdc dec written to let you know when to make the decrease. You can reference the Special Stitches Section right in the pattern itself (not in the back of the eBook) to make the decreases properly.

The written instructions are detailed and very specific. The weaving instructions to transform the loops you have crocheted into stars are provided in both written form and as a visual diagram.

The eBook front and back cover are in full color. The instructions and images within the eBook are in black and white with a small pop of color behind each Pattern Title and for the arrows used in the weaving diagrams.

The Stitch Guide includes the abbreviations used, yarn conversions, metric conversions chart and a stitch guide. The Stitch Guide includes written instructions and diagrams illustrating some of the stitches used in the patterns. You are also provided with a link to a more complete free resource online from Annie’s for further reference.

My favorite projects are:

  • Christmas Tree Skirt
  • Christmas Afghan

Would you like to have your own copy of Polish Star Christmas?

Polish Star Christmas Giveaway Ends November 28 2017 1159pmET OombawkaDesignCrochet


Here’s how you can enter for a chance to win!

This Giveaway is open worldwide where allowed by law.

Start Date: November 21, 2017; 12:00 am ET
End Date: November 28, 2017, 11:59 pm ET

If you can not see the Rafflecopter Widget, please ENTER HERE.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you are not the winner of the Giveaway and you would still like to have you own copy of  Polish Star Christmas, you can purchase your book directly from Annie’s Craft Store!

Polish Star Christmas – $7.99

from: Annie’s

I would like to thank Annie’s Craft Store for both the Review and Giveaway Copy of Polish Star Christmas, by Bendy Carter.

For more information about Annie’s, visit their Website, Facebook, Pinterest or YouTube! @Annies


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  1. WOW….that blanket looks like it would be difficult to make. But you say otherwise. That bag! Oh so different and beautiful.

  2. It’s a lovely blanket and I would love to have a copy of the Polish Christmas Star e-book. Please draw me? 😉
    Rachel D

  3. I love any Christmas crochet book but this is one that has some very pretty items. I would like to learn the Polish Star from what you say it doesn’t seem to be to hard and I think my first project will be the Angel.

  4. I love that the patterns look complicated, but you say they aren’t! Maybe I’ll give it a go!

  5. I was afraid of the Polish star but after reading your review I will give it a go. Thank you.

  6. I’ve seen this book before so I’m real happy you’ve done a review. I particularly love the afghan and tree skirt.

  7. I have this book but got confused on how to weave the loops. I am so glad you posted the video so I can figure out what I was doing wrong. Thank you!

  8. Beautiful book and beautiful! This is a book I would enjoy reading cover to cover. From your review I would have to make that afghan on the cover.

  9. I love ALL things Christmas and learning new stitches. How wonderful.

  10. Thanks for reviewing this book. I always wondered about this stitch pattern.

  11. The Polish Star pattern book looks like it has a lot of very interesting patterns

  12. I love the review of Afghans Book 16. Such a large selection of afghans to choose from. Afghans make such wonderful gifts.

  13. I’ve never tried this stitch! It really gives a unique look.

  14. I’m interested in the Navajo Afghan book. Thank you fir your review of the polish star book. It does look complicated and I would probly avoid it had you not reviewed it.

  15. This technique has been on my to-do list for a long time! Thank you for the review, the giveaway and the tutorial!!

  16. Thank you for this review! It has caused me to remember seeing a video or tv program showing how the stitches were woven to make the Polish Star & how fascinated I was by it! Having this pattern would put me that much closer to being able to make something using the Polish Star!