Polish Crochet Terms and English Translations

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Do you have a crochet pattern with Polish Crochet Terms that you want to make but you need English Translations first? Check our list of available Polish Crochet Terms below and start crocheting! This is part of our ongoing Crochet Translation Project.

Polish Crochet Terms and English Translations

Polish Crochet Terms and English Translations

Please remember this is a work-in-progress and if you have any suggestions, corrections or terms to add – please send me a message or leave a comment so I can update the chart!

U.S. TermsPolish Crochet Terms
back Loop (BL)tylna nitka
back loop only (blo)tylko tylna nitka
back post (BP)tylny slupek patentowy (reliefowy)
back post single crochet (BPsc)
back post half double crochet (BPhdc)
back post double crochet (BPdc)
back post triple (treble) crochet (BPtr)
before (bef)przed
beginning (beg)poczatek / rozpoczac
between (bet)pomiedzy
chain (ch)robic scieg lancuszkowy / liczba oczek lancuszka (o.l.)
chain space (ch-sp)przestrzen z oczek lancuszka
cluster (CL)peczek
continue (cont)kontynuowac
crochetszydelkowac / szydelko
decrease (dec)ujac / odjac / zredukowac
double crochet (dc)slupek (sl.)
double triple (treble) crochet (dtr)podwojny slupek (podwojny sl.)
fasten off / bind off (fo / bo)zakonczyc
follow / follows / following (foll)
front loop (FL)przednia nitka
front loop only (flo)tylko przednia nitka
front post (FP)przedni slupek patentowy (reliefowy)
front post single crochet (FPsc)
front post half double crochet (FPhdc)
front post double crochet (FPdc)
front post triple (treble) crochet (FPtr)
half double crochet (hdc)polslupek nawijany (psl. nawijany)
increase (inc)dodac
insert hookwbic szydelko
join / join into ringpolaczyc w okrag
loop (lp)petla
magic ring (MR)
pattern (pat / patt)wzor
picot (p)pikotka
place marker (pm)zaznaczyc markerem
remaining (rem)pozostale
repeat (rep)powtorzyc od do
repeat from * to **
reverse single crochet (crab stitch)oczko rakowe (wsteczne)
right side (correct side) (RS)prawa strona
right side (opposite of left)
round (rd)okrazenie (okr.)
row (R)rzad (rz.)
single crochet (sc)polslupek (psl.)
skip (sk)przeskoczyc / pominac
slip stitch (sl st)oczko scisle (o.s.z.)
space (s) (sp (s))przestrzen /odleglosc
stitch (st)scieg
stitches (st(s) or sts)
times (x)oczka (o.)
together (tog)razem
triple ( or treble ) crochet (tr)potrojny slupek (ptr. sl.)
turn the workodwrocic robotke
work / makeprzerobic / zrobic
wrong side (WS)lewa strona
yarn over / yarn over hook (yo / yoh)narzucic / nawinac nitke na szydelko
Polish Crochet Terms - Crochet Translation Project

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  1. I bought a pattern and there’s no translation for 24oo + 1 oo (24) followed by 6 single crochet (3 single crochet,increase) + 1 oo (30)
    Can anyone tell me what the oo is supposed to be.

  2. Hi, hope it help!
    back post single crochet (BPsc) – polslupek reliefowy tylny
    back post half double crochet (BPhdc) – polslupek nawijany reliefowy tylny
    back post double crochet (BPdc) – slupek reliefowy tylny
    back post triple (treble) crochet (BPtr) – podwojny slupek reliefowy tylny
    follow / follows / following (foll) – podazac, kontynuowac
    front post single crochet (FPsc) – polslupek reliefowy przedni
    front post half double crochet (FPhdc) – polslupek nawijany reliefowy przedni
    front post double crochet (FPdc) – slupek reliefowy przedni
    front post triple (treble) crochet (FPtr) – podwojny slupek reliefowy przedni
    repeat (rep) – powtorzyc
    repeat from * to ** – powtorzyc od * do *
    right side (opposite of left) – lewa strona
    stitches (st(s) or sts) – sciegi

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  4. Hi Cathy,
    Thank you for leaving a comment 🙂 The app I use when I want to translate an entire post to English is one I picked up for free from the Google Chrome Store – it works if you use Google Chrome as your browser. It is called Im Translator. I think Im Translator might have an option you can download if you aren’t using Chrome but I’m not sure how it works – except on Chrome. Sometimes it doesn’t translate everything completely – especially if punctuation is close to the words or slang or short forms are used.

    For the app I use I just right-click on the post and choose the Im Translator option and select English – then the whole post will translate and you can even share the link in the language of your choice. Not perfect but it works for most of the text 🙂

    Hope this helps 🙂 My favourite online reference for the graphs is mypicot – https://web.archive.org/web/20120920012623/http://www.mypicot.com/beta/crochet_symbols_terms.html

    I’m newer to this too and find the site links above to be very helpful 🙂


  5. Hi Rhondda! This is a good thing, the translation for the crochet terms!! TY! I would like to ask you if you would know how to translate the patterns posted on Pintrest in a different language other than English?? An app perhaps, I’m just not sure, seems Google has an app but you have to open a new window and then paste in a little box!! Haha I am doing my best to learn the crochet graphs!!! I’m learning slow but sure…TY for any info you may have and I would like to compliment you on your wonderful site, I adore it and you have so many nice groovy things to crochet, TY for your generosity hon!!
    Have a great crochet day!!