Orange Explosion Dishcloth Pattern – Close Scallops Stitch Tutorial

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This week I’d like to introduce you to an easy-peasy and absolutely charming little stitch pattern called the close scallops stitch. These scallops (which can also be known as a fans) are created by repeating a sequence of stitches like this:  skip 2 sts, work 4 dc in one stitch, skip 2 sts and work 1 sc in a stitch space. The sc stitch works as an anchor to keep the scallop stitch in place and eliminates the gaps between the sets of scallops. The finished fabric is pretty and softly textured making it the perfect stitch to use when crocheting afghans, baby blankets and other baby items.

As a quick aside, this is the first time I have ever tried Creme de la Creme yarn and I really love how it works up – not to mention the colorway I used beautifully transitioned through different shades of orange – the overall effect is really pretty and I’m afraid my photos might not do it justice!


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Orange Explosion Dishcloth Pattern

Close Scallops Stitch Tutorial

Orange Explosion Dishcloth LLANCS Kitchen Crochet Dishcloth


Difficulty Level

EASY (a dedicated beginner will have no trouble with this).

Finished Size

My Sample worked out to be exactly 7-inches square with one round of sc edging. For a 7 inch square you need to start with 31 chs and work a total of 16 rows and a 5 mm (H) hook.

I have provided the written instructions and photo tutorial for the dishcloth square sized: 6 inches by 6 inches

You will find sizes 9 inches and 12 inches at the end of the post.


approximately 3.8 sts per 1 inch and 2.4 rows per 1 inch


US Terminology used

beg – beginning
ch – chain
dc – double crochet
R – row/round
RS – right side (aka as the ‘pretty side’ of your work)
rem – remaining
rep – repeat
sc – single crochet
sk – skip
sl st – slip stitch
st/sts – stitch/stitches
* – Repeat the instructions between the asterisks the number of times indicated. This repeat will contain of multiple instructions.
() – Repeat the instructions between the parentheses the number of times indicated.
[] – at the end of the row – the total number of stitches

Helpful Tutorials

Working in the Back Bump

Invisible Join

Stitch Multiple

Chain a multiple of 6 + 1 stitches


  • count the ch 3 as a stitch in the row-end count total

Orange Explosion Dishcloth Pattern

Close Scallops Stitch Tutorial

Size: 6 inches by 6 inches

R1: Ch 25, Beg in 4th ch from hook: 2 dc in 4th ch from hook, sk 2 ch, 1 sc in next ch *Sk 2 ch, 4 dc in next ch, sk 2 ch, 1 sc in next ch** rep from * to ** 3 times across. Turn. [19]

Row 1 Orange Explosion Dishcloth

R2: Ch 3, 2 dc in first sc, sk 2 dc *1 sc in sp bet 2nd and 3rd dc of next set, sk 2 dc, 4 dc in next sc, sk 2 dc** rep from * to ** across 3 times, working 1 sc in sp bet last dc and ch 3.Turn. [19]

Row2 Part 1 Orange Explosion Dishcloth

Row 2 Part 2 Orange Explosion Dishcloth

Row 2 Part 3 Orange Explosion Dishcloth

Row 2 Complete Orange Explosion Dishcloth

Rep R2: 10 times, for a total of 12 rows. Do not finish off. Ch 1 and proceed to the edging. The dishcloth measures approximately 5 inches x 5 inches.

Row 3 Complete Orange Explosion Dishcloth


Work around the outer edge of the dishcloth:

Sc evenly around the outer edge of the dishcloth. You will have approximately 18 sts on each side and 1 extra in each corner when you are finished the first round. When I did this I worked 2 sc in the side of each ch 3 and 1 sc in the side of each sc; along both side edges. 3 in each corner and for the top row 1 sc in each dc, 1 hdc in each sc and 3 in the final corner.  You will need to complete 1 additional round of sc (working 3 in each corner stitch) to reach the 6 inch square size when using a 5 mm hook. Finish off with an invisible join and weave in ends.


Size: 9 inches by 9 inches

R1: Ch 37, Beg in 4th ch from hook: 2 dc in 4th ch from hook, sk 2 ch, 1 sc in next ch *Sk 2 ch, 4 dc in next ch, sk 2 ch, 1 sc in next ch** rep from * to ** 5 times across. Turn. [29]

R2: Ch 3, 2 dc in first sc, sk 2 dc *1 sc in sp bet 2nd and 3rd dc of next set, sk 2 dc, 4 dc in next sc, sk 2 dc** rep from * to ** across 5 times, working 1 sc in sp bet last dc and ch 3. Turn. [29]

Rep R2: 20 times, for a total of 22 rows. Do not finish off. Ch 1 and proceed to the edging. The dishcloth measures approximately 8.5 inches x 8.5 inches.


Work around the outer edge of the dishcloth:

Sc evenly around the outer edge of the dishcloth. You will have approximately 30 sts on each side and 1 extra in each corner when you are finished the first round. When I did this I worked 2 sc in the side of each ch 3 and 1 sc in the side of each sc; along both side edges. 3 in each corner and for the top row 1 sc in each dc, 1 hdc in each sc and 3 in the final corner. Finish off with an invisible join and weave in ends.

Size: 12 inches by 12 inches

R1: Ch 49, Beg in 4th ch from hook: 2 dc in 4th ch from hook, sk 2 ch, 1 sc in next ch *Sk 2 ch, 4 dc in next ch, sk 2 ch, 1 sc in next ch** rep from * to ** 7 times across. Turn. [39]

R2: Ch 3, 2 dc in first sc, sk 2 dc *1 sc in sp bet 2nd and 3rd dc of next set, sk 2 dc, 4 dc in next sc, sk 2 dc** rep from * to ** across 7 times, working 1 sc in sp bet last dc and ch 3. Turn. [39]

Rep R2: 26 times, for a total of 28 rows. Do not finish off. Ch 1 and proceed to the edging. The dishcloth measures approximately 11.5 inches x 11.5 inches.


Work around the outer edge of the dishcloth:

Sc evenly around the outer edge of the dishcloth. You will have approximately 40 sts on each side and 1 extra in each corner when you are finished the first round. When I did this I worked 2 sc in the side of each ch 3 and 1 sc in the side of each sc; along both side edges. 3 in each corner and for the top row 1 sc in each dc, 1 hdc in each sc and 3 in the final corner. Finish off with an invisible join and weave in ends.

Worked in a solid yarn color:

Close Scallops Stitch Dishcloth Oombawka Design Crochet


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  1. Thank you so much for such a thorough tutorial. I really like the image where you used different color yarns to explain the pattern.

  2. Thank you for such a quick pattern for beginners! I normally just do single crochet and this pattern is a wow factor to my dreams!

  3. Hi P.J. I’m really happy the photos helped 🙂 Feel free to send me questions if anything is ever unclear. Have fun crocheting! Rhondda

  4. This is “the” best pattern explanation and directions I’ve ever seen. It’s the photos….it’s so difficult to tell someone
    how to follow a pattern if they are new to crochet. It’s the photos & the numbering of the stitches that is extraordinary!
    The ladies I’m teaching to crochet will love this. We’ll be checking your website for other patterns. Thank you for all the work and time it took to complete these instructions. ?

  5. Hi Eliza, Yes I am hoping to add videos this year. Fingers crossed no more unscheduled sicknesses in my house. I’ve had a bit of a run of bad luck with respiratory flus in 2016. I will add this to my list of ones to try to do first 🙂 All the best, Rhondda