My Favorite Potholder Pattern

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This has to be my favorite potholder. It is easy to crochet and requires no assembly. You crochet both layers simultaneously to produce a double thick potholder.

A great gift idea – or an easy way to add some colour to your kitchen. You can use this as a potholder, a trivet or a hot pad! This is a very versatile pattern.

My favourite potholder can be crocheted with, or without the edging.

Simply substitute a chain-2 and turn, at the end of each row for a more traditional design (i.e. for the ch 3, 3-dc cluster in the 3rd ch from the hook).

My Favorite Potholder Pattern

my favourite potholder @oombawkadesign

My Favourite Potholder

Yarn: Bernat Handicrafter Cotton (worsted weight cotton yarn)

Hook: 5.00 mm (H)

Gauge: 15 hdc = 4″, 9 rows = 4″

Finished dimensions: approximately: 7″ x 7″ square

Abbreviations: ch: chain, dc: double crochet, sl st: slip stitch, x: times, st: stitch, sts: stitches, 2-dc cluster: 2 double crochet cluster, 3-dc cluster: 3 double crochet cluster

Special Stitches:

3-dc cluster: this cluster is worked into a chain stitch, *yarn over, insert hook into the specified chain stitch, yarn over and draw through two loops on your hook* repeat from *to* a two more times, yarn over and draw the loop through all 4 loops on the hook

Note: the 3-dc cluster does not count as a stitch in the stitch totals at the end of the rows

Click here to review Stitch Anatomy


R1: chain 25, ch 3, 3-dc cluster in the 3rd ch from the hook, turn **remember to turn the same direction each time 🙂

R2: 1 hdc in each st across, ch 3, 3-dc cluster in the 3rd ch from the hook, turn [25]

R3: working through the unworked loop from the starting chain and the front loop, (1 hdc in each st) x 25, ch 3, 3-dc cluster in the 3rd ch from the hook, turn [25]

starting chain tutorial


R4: working through the unworked loop from 2 rows prior (R2) and the front loop from the last row (R3) (1 hdc in each st across) 25 x, ch 3, 3-dc cluster in the 3rd ch from the hook, turn [25]

row 2 tutorial

pull up a loop to finish tutorial

Repeat R4 until your piece measure approximately 7″ in length.

favourite potholder trivet hotpad

Last Row: working through the unworked loop and the front loop, (1 sl st in each st across) 25 x , ch 3, 3-dc cluster in the 3rd ch from the hook, sl st to the corner.
For the Hanging Loop:  ch 20, turn and beginning in the 2nd ch from the hook, sl st back to the potholder and sl st to the corner to join. Finish off and weave in ends.

my favourite potholder hotpad trivet

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  1. Hi Jenni, I’m sorry I don’t understand what you don’t understand? Thank you for clarifying, Rhondda

  2. This is very strange! I’ve never had trouble pinning to Pinterest before :(I hope the issue is resolved now. Rhondda

  3. Tried to pin this several times this morning, keep getting “image invalid”…….sorry

  4. Hi Judy, The 3 dc cluster is going to be on the outside edge – so just let it sit out there when you turn and work back across the row again ๐Ÿ™‚ It is part of the edging ๐Ÿ™‚ Rhondda

  5. You chain 25 then three and then do the cluster. How do you turn it then it doesn’t
    work right

  6. I’m happy to help. Thank YOU for all the free patterns and tutorials. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Hi Stephanie, Thank you for catching this mistake I made when I was editing! I’ve corrected it ๐Ÿ™‚ I really appreciate you letting me know! Rhondda

  8. The row 2 instructions are really confusing. From what I can tell, row 1 is just a chain 25 and then a bobble on the end. Then row 2 says “working through the unworked loop from the starting chain and the front loop” but aren’t all the loops in the starting chain unworked? And what front loop is it referring to? It seems like there might be a row of hdc missing from the instructions?