Italian Crochet Terms and English Translations

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Our Crochet Translation Project includes many Italian Crochet Terms and their English Translations. Check out the Crochet Terms included in our list below and then begin your project!

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Italian Crochet Terms and English Translations

Italian Crochet Terms and English Translations

Thank you to: Cinzia Passera and Barbara from Barbara’s Crochet & Craft (FB:

Please remember this is a work-in-progress and if you have any suggestions, corrections or terms to add – please send me a message or leave a comment so I can update the chart!

U.S. TermsItalian Crochet Terms
back Loop (BL)filo posteriore della maglia / asola posteriore
back loop only (blo)lavorare solo l’asola posteriore
back post (BP)in costa dietro
back post single crochet (BPsc)maglia bassa in costa dietro
back post half double crochet (BPhdc)mezza maglia alta in costa dietro
back post double crochet (BPdc)maglia alta doppia in costa dietro
back post triple (treble) crochet (BPtr) 
before (bef)prima
beginning (beg)inizio / iniziare
between (bet)in mezzo a
chain (ch)catenella
chain space (ch-sp)spazio della catenella
cluster (CL)gruppo di maglie / maglie lavorate insieme
continue (cont)continuare
crochetlavorare all”” uncinetto
decrease (dec)diminuzione
double crochet (dc)maglia alta (m.alta) (ma)
double triple (treble) crochet (dtr)maglia alta tripla (mat)
fasten off / bind off (fo / bo)tagliare e fermare il filo
follow / follows / following (foll)segui, segue, seguente
front loop (FL)asola anteriore / la prima maglia davanti
front loop only (flo)lavorare solo l’asola anteriore
front post (FP)in costa davanti (cd)
front post single crochet (FPsc)maglia bassa in costa davanti (mbcd)
front post half double crochet (FPhdc)mezza maglia alta in costa davanti
front post double crochet (FPdc)maglia alta in costa davanti
front post triple (treble) crochet (FPtr)maglia alta doppia in costa davanti
gaugemisura in base al campione
half double crochet (hdc)mezza maglia alta
increase (inc)aumento (au)
insert hookinserire l’uncinetto
join / join into ringunire / unire ad anello
loop (lp)asola
magic ring (MR)anello magico
nextprossimo / seguente
pattern (pat / patt)motivo / schema
picot (p)pippiolino
place marker (pm)posizionare segnapunti / marcapunti
remaining (rem)rimanente
repeat (rep)ripetere
repeat from * to **rifetere Da * a *
reverse single crochet (crab stitch)punto gambero
right side (correct side) (RS)diritto del lavoro
right side (opposite of left)lato diritto
round (rd)giro
row (R)riga
single crochet (sc)maglia bassa (m.bassa)
skip (sk)saltare
slip stitch (sl st)maglia bassissima / mbss
space (s) (sp (s))spazio
stitch (st)maglia / punto (m)
stitches (st(s) or sts)punto
times (x)volte
together (tog)insieme (ins)
triple ( or treble ) crochet (tr)maglia alta doppia
turn the workgirare il lavoro
work / makelavorare
wrong side (WS)rovescio del lavoro
yarn over / yarn over hook (yo / yoh)filo sull’uncinetto
Italian Crochet Terms - Crochet Translation Project

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Italian Crochet Terms And English Translations

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Our Crochet Translation Project includes many Italian Crochet Terms and their English Translations. Check out the Crochet Terms included in our list below and then begin your project!

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Italian Crochet Terms and English Translations

Italian Crochet Terms and English Translations

Thank you to: Cinzia Passera and Barbara from Barbara’s Crochet & Craft (FB:

Please remember this is a work-in-progress and if you have any suggestions, corrections or terms to add – please send me a message or leave a comment so I can update the chart

Half Double Crochet Join

U.S. TermsItalian Crochet Terms
back Loop (BL)filo posteriore della maglia / asola posteriore
back loop only (blo)lavorare solo l’asola posteriore
back post (BP)in costa dietro
back post single crochet (BPsc)maglia bassa in costa dietro
back post half double crochet (BPhdc)mezza maglia alta in costa dietro
back post double crochet (BPdc)maglia alta doppia in costa dietro
back post triple (treble) crochet (BPtr)
before (bef)prima
beginning (beg)inizio / iniziare
between (bet)in mezzo a
chain (ch)catenella
chain space (ch-sp)spazio della catenella
cluster (CL)gruppo di maglie / maglie lavorate insieme
continue (cont)continuare
crochetlavorare all”” uncinetto
decrease (dec)diminuzione
double crochet (dc)maglia alta (m.alta) (ma)
double triple (treble) crochet (dtr)maglia alta tripla (mat)
fasten off / bind off (fo / bo)tagliare e fermare il filo
follow / follows / following (foll)segui, segue, seguente
front loop (FL)asola anteriore / la prima maglia davanti
front loop only (flo)lavorare solo l’asola anteriore
front post (FP)in costa davanti (cd)
front post single crochet (FPsc)maglia bassa in costa davanti (mbcd)
front post half double crochet (FPhdc)mezza maglia alta in costa davanti
front post double crochet (FPdc)maglia alta in costa davanti
front post triple (treble) crochet (FPtr)maglia alta doppia in costa davanti
gaugemisura in base al campione
half double crochet (hdc)mezza maglia alta
increase (inc)aumento (au)
insert hookinserire l’uncinetto
join / join into ringunire / unire ad anello
loop (lp)asola
magic ring (MR)anello magico
nextprossimo / seguente
pattern (pat / patt)motivo / schema
picot (p)pippiolino
place marker (pm)posizionare segnapunti / marcapunti
remaining (rem)rimanente
repeat (rep)ripetere
repeat from * to **rifetere Da * a *
reverse single crochet (crab stitch)punto gambero
right side (correct side) (RS)diritto del lavoro
right side (opposite of left)lato diritto
round (rd)giro
row (R)riga
single crochet (sc)maglia bassa (m.bassa)
skip (sk)saltare
slip stitch (sl st)maglia bassissima / mbss
space (s) (sp (s))spazio
stitch (st)maglia / punto (m)
stitches (st(s) or sts)punto
times (x)volte
together (tog)insieme (ins)
triple ( or treble ) crochet (tr)maglia alta doppia
turn the workgirare il lavoro
work / makelavorare
wrong side (WS)rovescio del lavoro
yarn over / yarn over hook (yo / yoh)filo sull’uncinetto

The Beginner Crochet Stitches and Symbols You Need to Know.(Opens in a new browser tab)

UK Crochet Terms and US Crochet Terms(Opens in a new browser tab)


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  1. double crochet is maglia alta (m.alta) (m.a.)
    single crochet is maglia bassa (m.bassa) (m.b.)
    front post is in costa davanti (cd) and back post is costa dietro (cd) so I am not sure if mbcd is front or back post single crochet
    slip stitch is Maglia bassissima, m.bss (mbss)
    back loop is filo posteriore della maglia / asola posteriore
    front loop is la prima maglia davanti
    mad is a Maglia alta doppia (double treble)
    mdr is motivo da ripetere ( pattern repeat )

    I’m afraid I’m not sure what the rd or rr is and whether cd is front or back post.

  2. I need some help with the following Italian terms.

    Mbss is this a single crochet?
    mbsscd is this a single crochet in back loop?
    mbcd is this a front post single crochet?
    ma is this a double crochet?
    mard no idea what this is?
    brown no idea what this is?
    marr no idea what this is
    mard no idea what this is either

    Any help is appreciated!

  3. I see some terms in italian are missing and some other are wrongly translated. I’m italian mother-tongue and crochet advanced, I would be very happy to help you with translations from english to italian.
    If interested, write me to

  4. can someone leave me a list of crochet terms and abbreviations that differences between Italy and the U.S. for the same stitches? I am trying to make a simple pattern that was written in English from an Italian lady. but its not coming out right at all. I need some help. I know the united kingdom has the same stitch names as the united states but they are meaning different things.