Identify the Pests and Diseases That Are Damaging your Plants.

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If you want to keep your produce and plants healthy, the book Pests & Diseases includes helpful recommendations by symptom, by plant and by problem for a variety of conditions that can affect your garden.

[Disclaimer] I received this book to review. This post includes affiliate links. If you purchase a copy of the Pests & Diseases book after you click on one of my affiliate links in the post, I will receive a small commission for referring you, at no additional cost to you. Read my Disclosure Policy here. [/Disclaimer]

Title: Pests & Diseases
Pippa Greenwood & Andrew Halstead
Published By: Dorling Kindersley, 2018
ISBN: 978-1-4654-6838-3

Pests and Diseases. DK Canada. Book Review. Oombawka Design

Pests & Diseases

Whether you want to research in advance about the types of Pests and Diseases that may affect your plants, you want to learn how to prepare and maintain your garden for optimum health, or you need to identify a symptom your plant is suffering from, the book Pests and Diseases has you covered.

There are four main sections included in Pests and Diseases.

  1. Gallery of Symptoms
  2. Garden Health and Problems
  3. A-Z of Pests, Diseases, and Disorders
  4. Individual Plant Problems

Each section is broken down further into categories.

Gallery of Symptoms

  • Fruits, Berries, Vegetables, and Nuts
Pests and Diseases. DK Canada. Book Review. Oombawka Design
Image: Amazon Affiliate Network.
  • Soil, Roots, Tubers, and Bulbs
  • Leaves
  • Stems and Buds
  • Flowers
Pests and Diseases. DK Canada. Book Review. Oombawka Design
Image: Amazon Affiliate Network.
  • Lawns
  • Beneficial Garden Dwellers

Garden Health and Problems

  • The Balance of Life
  • Soil and Nutrients
  • Natural Upsets
  • Types of Plant Disease
  • Types of Garden Pest
Pests and Diseases. DK Canada. Book Review. Oombawka Design
Image: Amazon Affiliate Network.
  • Pest Life Cycles
  • Approaches to Control
  • Chemical-Free Controls
  • Biological Controls
  • Insecticides and Fungicides
  • Chemicals and Their Actions
  • Applying Pesticides
  • Preventative Measures

A-Z of Pests, Diseases, and Disorders

Pests and Diseases. DK Canada. Book Review. Oombawka Design
Image: Amazon Affiliate Network.

Individual Plant Problems

  • Fruits and Nuts
  • Vegetables and Herbs
  • Garden Trees
  • Shrubs and Climbers
  • Herbaceous Perennials
  • Bulbous Plants
  • Annuals and Biennials
  • Greenhouse and House Plants
  • Lawns

Being a visual person, I especially appreciate the Gallery of Symptoms section. Filled with color photographs of the problems you may encounter on your plants and produce, it makes it easy to identify and treat the disease, disorder or symptom your plant my be suffering with.

So far we have identified two issues with our garden using the Gallery of Symptoms. This gives us a starting point to decide how we are going to treat and get rid of the pests we already have.

I’ve already gotten a handle on the outbreak of icky aphids on my roses with some insecticide soaps.

I found the image of the aphids in the Gallery of Symptoms and then looked up Aphids in the A-Z of Pests, Diseases, and Disorders. It explained a few different ways we could try to get rid of the pests. I’m hoping the insecticide soap does the trick!

Pests & Diseases is a handy book to have on-hand. It will allow you to keep your garden plants and produce healthy and teach you effective ways to manage and control the natural garden pests you may encounter along the way.

Check out my other DK Canada Book Reviews Here!

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  1. Thank you. I think this book would be great for a reference tool, but I usually just do a search on my phone quickly to get the information I need when I am gardening. I would never be able to retain the information in thebook. 🙁

  2. Thank You for the review! I believe this is one that needs to be added to my gardening library!

  3. Hi Lou, That is odd – when DK Canada sent it they specified it was the Canadian Version. I live in Canada and this was a Canadian Spring Book Pick sent by DK Canada. Are you certain it is the UK version? Thanks! Rhondda

  4. Hi Rhondda,
    I have a feeling that this book is a UK book, as Pippa Greenwood and Andrew Halsted are British garden experts, so it may be worth mentioning that some of the insects and bugs may not be present in your ecosystems if you are in another country, and some of the recommended treatments/insecticides may not be sold in your country’s shops/garden centres due to chemical sales restrictions etc ,some of the organic treatments may also have slightly different ingredient names,but hopefully once figured out should work anywhere, I always find these types of books good reference works , with well laid out and practical sections