How To Add a Simple Fringe to Your Crochet Project
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How To Add a Simple Fringe to Your Project
Adding a simple fringe to your scarf or project is very easy! Here is a quick photo tutorial to show you the steps:
- Cut scraps of yarn into similar lengths – do not worry if they aren’t exact as you will be doing some trimming at the end to even them all out!
- Bring your ‘fringe’ loops and your ‘crochet project’ together – so the ends are lined up like so:
- Insert your hook through your project (make sure the right side of your project is facing DOWN) and under the loop of your ‘fringe’ yarn
- Hold onto the end of your fringe yarn so it doesn’t pull all the way through and pull fringe loop back through your project like this:
- Now using those yarn ends (from the fringe), yarn over and pull them through the loop on your hook.
- Pull the ends all the way through the loop and pull to tighten!
- Now a quick note, see in the image below and the fringe we just finished. See how it looks visually different from the bottom 2 I created? You can see the ‘open’ side of the fringe ‘knot’ on the top example. By placing the ‘right side’ (good side) of the project face-down when creating the fringe you will see the ‘closed’ side of the fringe ‘knot’ on the front of your project (as the bottom 2 fringe knots appear) instead of the ‘open side’ (as the knot on the top). When I add a fringe to a project OR ties to an earflap hat it is important to me that they are all facing the same direction. I just wanted to point this visual difference out to you 🙂 I prefer the ‘closed look’ on the front of my project (‘right side’).
- Once you have added as many pieces of fringe as you want to your project, place the project on a flat surface and straighten out all of those ends. Using sharp scissors, snip the ends to one length.
You can use this technique to add the yarn to the ends of an earflap hat too 🙂 Just use a very large hook and multiple ‘fringe’ strands of a longer length and thread them through the end of the earflap as shown in the tutorial above. Then braid them and tie the ends!
Hi Deborah, You are very welcome! My husband actually bought those for me and I LOVE THEM! He picked them up at the Lee Valley store in Waterloo, Ontario. I’m not sure if you have a location near you but I believe they ship? All the best, Rhondda
Thank You Rhondda for this helpful tip on how to add a fringe:)
By the way, may I ask where you bought your scissors? I LOVE THEM!
I live in Calgary, Alberta