HookinCrochet ™ | Product Review

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Product Review

Product: HookinCrochet ™ Crochet Symbol Fonts Software, ©2014

I recently had the opportunity to try the HookinCrochet™ Crochet Symbol Fonts Software.

If you are already an Adobe Illustrator user you will find it very easy to make your own crochet charts and diagrams using these fonts. You will need a graphics/drawing program to make circular crochet diagrams – but for basic applications like rows, or squares or even triangles you can use Adobe Photoshop or even PicMonkey!

I tried the fonts on PicMonkey first and it works quite well – you do need to print, or open the document you receive with the software (the Stitchlist) to cross reference which keyboard layout corresponds to which symbol. For a simple project it works perfectly; although it is a bit time consuming until you memorize which key corresponds to which symbol.

Here is an example of a chart I created in PicMonkey using the HookinCrochet™ Font Software:

Simply Scrumptious Scarf Chart

For a more complex chart, or diagram it is recommended you use a graphics/drawing program. Especially for shapes beyond straight lines. If you are never going to make circles, or angles, then Adobe Photoshop will work in a pinch – if you want the ability to make circles then you need to find a graphics/drawing program to use with the fonts.

What I tried…

Since I already have access to Adobe Photoshop, I tried it first. It is EASY to use! I am a novice in Photoshop but I was able to figure it out (with the help of my friend Amy) and here is how you can see all the symbols included in the HookinCrochet™ Font Package – this will allow you to click on the symbol you want without cross-referencing the Stitchlist.

For Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 you need to open a new file and then select “Type” from the Top Menu Bar, then hover over the option “Panels” so it opens up its sub-options and click on “Glyphs Panel”. Next you select your HookinCrochet™ Font Software Package from the drop-down box and you are ready to make your crochet charts!

I have mastered all the straight-line charts using this method.

If you want to make circular charts or diagrams you can use Adobe Illustrator (this is just one option of a graphics/drawing program).

For Adobe Illustrator (I signed up for a free 30-day trial to see how it would work) you need to open a new file and then select “Type” from the Top Menu Bar and select “Glyphs” from the drop-down options. Next, choose the font you want from the drop down list.  Once you choose the product you have, you just click on the symbol you want from the available glyphs!

I have not yet mastered circles but I intend to! HookinCrochet™ Crochet Symbol Fonts Software has multiple step-by-step photo tutorials available to walk you through creating charts and diagrams. With the software you receive a manual to walk you through creating different charts – including circular diagrams.

Free tutorials are also available on their website and include:

About Crochet Symbol Charts
Crochet Symbols
Reading Charts Worked in Rows

These are excellent resources – and if you are interested in learning how to crochet from charts this is a fantastic place to start!

There are 3 different Crochet Symbol Products Available:

HookinCrochet Symbols Basic
HookinCrochet Symbols 1
HookinCrochet Symbols 2

Currently, when you purchase both the HookinCrochet™ Symbols 1 Font Software and HookinCrochet™ Symbols 2 Font Software you can receive a 15% discount on your purchase.

Here’s a look inside:

HookinCrochet Symbols Basic

The symbols included in the HookinCrochet™ Basic Package include:

HookinCrochet Symbols Basic Review

HookinCrochet Symbols 1

HookinCrochet™ Symbols 1 includes the following symbols:

HookinCrochet Symbols 1 A Review HookinCrochet Symbols1B review

HookinCrochet Symbols 1 c Review HookinCrochet Symbols 1 n Review

StichinCrochet symbols 1 e Review

StitchinCrochet Fonts 1f StichinCrochet Fonts 1 g Review 1 o StichinCrochet Fonts Review

symbols1h symbols1i symbols1j symbols1k symbols1l symbols1m symbols1n

HookinCrochet Symbols 2

HookinCrochet Symbols 2 includes the basic symbols from HookinCrochet Symbols 1  (the first line) and:

symbols2b symbols2c symbols2d symbols2e symbols2f symbols2g symbols2h symbols2i symbols2k symbols2l symbols2m symbols2n symbols2o symbols2p

Some other important facts about this software:

  • crochet symbols can be typed “line by line” and are all inline and in proportion to one another
  • can be used to create charts and diagrams in any shape
  • True Type Font for Windows and Mac OS X
  • End User License Agreement is available here: EULA

Here are some examples of the diagrams and charts you could create with the HookinCrochet™ Font Software:


All www.hookincrochet.com images have been used with permission from and remain the copyright of HookinCrochet™ Crochet Symbol Fonts Software, ©2014.



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  1. this is awesome! I KNEW there was something out there for this, just hadn’t gotten around to looking for it. I am beginning to design my own patterns but have just been drawing them out, poorly! haha! :p Thank you for this review for sure!! I am becoming more dedicated to visual learning the older I get and find the charts so helpful. I know that people all learn in different ways, so to be able to offer both written and chart is a huge benefit!!

  2. This is such a cool product. I actually really like using charts and find it a lot easier to track a pattern.

  3. I have learned to love the visual representation of the pattern in a crochet symbol chart. With a little practice, it is so worth it being able to read one. I wish all patterns came with a chart as well as the written instructions! Thanks for the review!

  4. This is awesome! I have never tried symbol crochet…Just a little intimidated.. But this seems like a wonderful way to just dive right in! And then have for a reference in your “Library”.

  5. I love the idea of this software! I can’t wait to buy it and give it a try for my own patterns!

  6. I think I’ll try to follow a written pattern like this now, thank you for the nice help!