Featured Crochet Charity. May 2018. Knots of Love

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Our Featured Crochet Charity May 2018:  Knots of Love.  Presented by Marie Segares of Underground CrafterAlthough this may not be a local Charity to us all, I hope by sharing it with our friends and family, Knots of Love will receive the support it needs.  If you are unable to help personally, please share this with your friends online – you never know – you may reach someone who is able to make a difference! If you would like to contribute too, we encourage you to crochet the featured free pattern this month and donate it to Knots of Love, or a local charity of your own.

Please read on to learn more about Knots of Love and how we can help. ♥ Rhondda

Featured Charity of the Month 2018

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May 2018 Featured Charity. Knots of Love. Presented by Marie. Underground Crafter. Oombawka Design Crochet. fb

Featured Crochet Charity. May 2018. Knots of Love

I’m Marie Segares, visiting my friend Rhondda and her readers from Underground Crafter. I love crafting for charity and I’m always so excited to share as part of Rhondda’s monthly series!

I’d like to talk about Knots of Love, one of my favorite organizations that distributes handmade projects to worthy recipients. This charity was actually featured before on Oombawka Design here, and you can get the full details on how to donate in that post. You can also watch the video below for more information about how Knots of Love works.

Since Knots of Love works specifically with people who’ve experienced traumatic hair loss due to illness or injury and infants in neonatal intensive care units, they only accept projects made with yarns on their approved list. These yarns have been screened for softness and washability, so as long as you use one of those yarns (and you keep your crochet and knit donations free of pet hair, smoke, and strong fragrances), you can be sure that your project will actually be distributed by Knots of Love.

Crochet Tips

I also wanted to share one of my favorite tips for making great projects to donate to Knots of Love: use a smaller than usual hook. I always go down one hooks size when making a project for Knots of Love to avoid holes and gaps in the crochet fabric. This works well for hats (so that people experiencing traumatic hair loss don’t have openings in the hat where cold air will bother their heads) and for the preemie blankets (because little fingers and toes won’t get caught in holes).

The Intensive Love Blanket is one of the patterns I’ve designed for Knots of Love. This preemie-sized blanket is made with joined squares. If you knit or have a friend that does, you may also want to check out the Hummingbird Hat and Baby Bird Blanket Knit-a-Long, featuring two free knitting patterns designed specifically with Knots of Love in mind.

Intensive Love Blanket

Free Crochet Charity Pattern

May Featured Charity. Knots of Love. Intensive Love Blanket. Free Pattern. Presented by Marie of Underground Crafter. Oombawka Design Crochet.

Get your free copy of the Intensive Love Blanket >HERE<

Marie Segares - Author - Make Money Teaching Crochet

Stay in touch with Marie by visiting her blog, Underground Crafter, or signing up for her weekly newsletter.

She can also be found on FacebookInstagramPinterestRavelryTwitter, and YouTube.



Thank you for visiting! Would you like to learn about some of our other Featured Crochet Charities?

Here are a few of our past features:

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