Essential Oils Recipes and Remedies

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This book is a must-have guide to Essential Oils. It includes recipes and remedies you can easily use for yourself and your home.

[disclaimer]I received a copy of this book to review from DK Canada. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. This post includes affiliate links. If you purchase this book after you click on one of my affiliate links in the post, I will receive a small commission for referring you, at no additional cost to you.[/disclaimer]

Cover Essential Oils. DK Canada. Image Credit Amazon. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet

Title: Essential Oils
Published By: Dorling Kindersley, 2016
ISBN: 9781465454379

Essential Oils

With all-natural recipes and remedies for your mind, body and home, Essentials Oils is an excellent reference book for anyone interested in using and combining essential oils.

Over the last year I have become very interested in the use and application of essential oils. I was first introduced to them by a friend when I was sick with an awful chest virus (which had already lasted for much longer than it should have). They gave me some of their special oil blends to use and at that point I was completely desperate and willing to try anything – so I used the oils as they had told me to – rubbing them on the bottoms of my feet and diffusing one for breathing and within 48 hours I was feeling better than I had in weeks. Now, I have to admit – it could simply have been that the virus had finally run its course and the oils were not the ‘fix’ that they seemed but I honestly felt better and could breathe better when I used them – which meant I finally slept better too.

Since then I have been dabbling in them for myself and occasionally for my family too. It is quite fun to mix them and diffuse them and I enjoy the way they smell (usually!). My daughter and I actually made our own bug spray with essential oils early this summer and it works surprisingly well!

I was very excited to receive this book, Essential Oils, because it gives me useful information about essential oils.

The book begins by including important information about:

Understanding Essential Oils

What are essential oils? How do essential oils work? How are essential oils extracted? How to choose essential oils and where do essential oils come from?

The choosing essential oils section goes into detail about how to recognize natural versus synthetic oils, how to recognize quality oils, how to check sustainability of the plant the oil is extracted from, how to tell if the company processing the oils supports fair trade, why it is important to use organic essential oils and understanding pricing for essential oils.

The next section of the book explains:

  • How essential oils enter our bodies
  • How to apply essential oils
  • How to store essential oils
  • How to use essential oils safely

The A-Z of Essential Oils section includes information about more than 80 different essential oils.

Essential Oils. DK Canada. Image Credit Amazon. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet

We are also introduced to Base Oils (p 146) also known as Carrier Oils that you can safely use to mix and dilute essential oils for use.

Essential Oils. DK Canada. Image Credit Amazon. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet

Essential Oil Recipes

Essential Oils. DK Canada. Image Credit Amazon. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet

Recipes have been included for various essential oil blends you can mix yourself. Each recipe includes the instructions to make the blend, best uses (i.e. massage oil, diffuser, shower, bath oil, etc.) and safe usage instructions. Blend variations are also included for many of the blends.

Aromatherapy Blends

  1. Relaxation Blend (using lavender, rose and Vetiver)
  2. Uplifting Blend (using grapefruit, jasmine and geranium)
  3. Soothing Blend (using Frankenstein, Neroli and orange)
  4. Calming Blend (using rose and geranium)
  5. Blend for Focus (using rosemary, clove and peppermint)
  6. Purifying and Cleansing Blend (using Juniper, Frankincense and lemon)
  7. Massage Blend for him (using Ylang-Ylang, sandalwood and nutmeg)
  8. Massage Blend for her (using patchouli, rose, Vetiver and geranium)
  9. Immune Boosting Blend (using rosemary, Niaouli and lavender)
  10. Regenerating Blend (using Frankincense, Helichrysum and Myrrh)
  11. Stimulating Blend (using Ginger, Black Pepper and Tea Tree)
  12. Refreshing Blend (using peppermint, pine and Eucalyptus)

Recipes have also been included for Home and Body Fragrances (including making candles) and  Pampering and Beauty (including making bath bombs, bath melts, body scrubs, hair and scalp tonic, conditioning hair oils, facial scrubs, nail and foot balms).

Cleansing Facial Essential Oils. DK Canada. Image Credit Amazon. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet

The final section is dedicated to the use of essential oils as Healing Remedies. The following conditions are addressed and recipes have been included for each remedy:

Digestive Problems

  • Bloating and constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Reflux
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Appetite Loss
  • Mouth, Gum, and Tooth Problems

Respiratory Complaints

  • Colds and Sinusitis
  • Asthma

Circulatory Problems

  • Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Sluggish Circulation

Fluid Retention and Urinary Tract Infections

  • Swelling
  • Urinary-tract Infection

Muscle and Joint Problems and General Aches and Pains

  • Backaches, Neck Pain, and Sciatica
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Arthritis
  • Muscular Aches and Pains
  • Sprains and Strains

Skin and Hair

  • Acne
  • Athlete’s Foot
  • Bruising
  • Body Odor
  • Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Stretch Marks
  • Sunburn
  • Cradle Cap
  • Dandruff

Allergic Reactions

  • Allergies and Hay Fever

Mind and Well-being

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief and Shock
  • Stress and Insomnia

Women’s Health

  • Premenstrual Symptoms
  • Pregnancy
  • Postpartum and Menopause

Men’s Health

  • Heart Health and Stress
  • Prostate Problems

First Aid

  • Blisters
  • Heat Exhaustion and Hay Fever
  • Insect Bites and Stings

At the very end of Essential Oils are super helpful Treatment Reference Charts. Each chart includes the common complaint (condition you want to help) and a list of the essential oils you will want to have on hand to use for that complaint.

There are 3 separate charts included.

  1. Common Complaints,
  2. Mind and
  3. Well-being and Cosmetic Treatments.

A handy glossary is included beginning on page 248, followed by an index so you can find what you need quickly.

I personally love this book because of my own interest in Essential Oils. Being able to pick up this one reference book to look into each essential oil in detail and to decide which oils to try to use together for different ailments is super handy! I can’t wait to try some of the recipes included and to make the bath bombs with my children.

Check out my other DK Canada Book Reviews Here!

You can purchase your own copy of Essential Oils directly from Amazon.

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  1. This sounds wonderful!! I have been interested in essential oils for a long time now and this sounds like a great book to help me start!! Thanks so much!!

  2. I have been getting into essential oils more, and this book has everything I could hope for in one place, with all the information it provides on each oil. I bought one for myself and one for my cousin, who got me into essential oils in the first place.

  3. Thanks Bekki 🙂 I really love this book but then I am into essential oils 😉 Have a lovely week! Rhondda

  4. It would take me forEVER to write up one of these reviews. You make it look easy! And I really appreciate you taking the time to do it.

  5. I have been looking for a book to understand more about essential oils. Thank you for honest review

  6. I like the essential oils and the different uses for the essential oils.

  7. I am learning more about essential oils and this book is very helpful.

  8. I’ve been faithfully using essential oils for over 2 years. I’m very interested in getting this book so I can learn more and have alternative recipes from what I use now. Thank you Rhondda!

  9. I too am getting acquainted with oils. This book seems to be very detailed in learning about oils and their uses for various health problems and every day use.

  10. Sounds like a very good book for me to get. Trying to get into essential oils more & this would probably be very helpful.

  11. I use lavender oil in a carrier base of grapeseed oil as a massage oil for my 7yr old who gets growing pains.

  12. I am slowly working my way into essential oils and this book is just want i need. I am an avid member of amazon and have saved it to my dash board for now. thank you.

  13. I have been wanting to learn more about essential oils. This looks like the perfect primer for me. Thank you!