Crochet Translation Project – Updated and Searchable
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I have spent a number of hours updating the Crochet Translation Project Pages to make the terms more searchable and easier to find! I hope you enjoy this new, more convenient feature!
Please note, each post, now includes a searchable index of the terms we have collected through the generous donations of our volunteers.
Once in the Crochet Translation Project Post for the language of your choice, you can search simply by pushing the <CTRL> key on your keyboard and the <F> key on your keyboard, at the same time. This will bring up a little search box (usually around the top-right corner of your screen) and you can type in a term and then press the up, or down arrow key options to flip through the hits on the page. If you are using an Apple use ⌘ Cmd+F together.
The Crochet Translation Project currently contains translations for many crochet terms in the following languages:
If you know of any terms we have missed, see any we need to correct or even have terms in a different language you would like to submit, please contact me!
I do not know how to begin to thank you for this translation project, especially the Russian translation. I have found so many beautiful crochet patterns in foreign languages and now with the help of this translation project I will be able to make them. Thank you again and keep up the good work.
Thank you Charlene 🙂
Rhondda I have shared this info on my blog:, my fb, google+, twitter, etc because I think it is such a great resource.
Thank you once again
Rhondda, this is fantastic! Thank you so much! C’mon Japanese ladies, there must be something you can do?
Very welcome 🙂 I’m happy it is a helpful resource 🙂 Have a great week! Rhondda
What a very valuable resource!!! I’m sure it took a LOT of work and time, but know it helps a lot of people!!!
Thank you!!!