Bobble Stitch Cowl Pattern

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Welcome! I’m so happy you decided to participate in our Scarf of the Month Club this year! This month I have provided the All The Colors Cowl Pattern for you to crochet.

I have included how you can share your projects online, so we can find them too, at the end of this post! I’ve also linked to a tutorial I created to show you had to add your own project pages to Ravelry! We love it when you make project pages on Ravelry, so if you have time, please do!


PIN it for later here

All The Colors Cowl Pattern

Here are you March Scarf of the Month Club Scarves!

Scarf of the Month Club March 2017

From Left to Right:  The Stitchin’ Mommy, Creative Crochet Workshop & (scroll to the bottom of this page!) Oombawka Design

Get Amy’s Scarf of the Month Pattern here: Berry Cakes Infinity Scarf
Get Joanita’s Scarf of the Month Pattern Bonus Pattern here: Proud Infinity Scarf

Create your Project Page on Ravelry for the All The Colors Cowl HERE

All The Colors Bobble Stitch Cowl Pattern

You need 1 ball of Caron Cakes Yarn for this project!

This cowl is quite simple to make – it does take a little bit of time because the entire pattern is crocheted using a bobble stitch (also called a puff stitch) and single crochet. The fabric is soft and squishy and full of texture. You can wear it folded in half (as photographed) or as a single layer. I love how the levels of color are shown more dramatically when you fold it in half but if you are using a solid yarn it will look squishy and soft worn as a single layer.

All The Colors Cowl Oombawka Design #scarfofthemonthclub 2017

Have fun with this project – the stitch is addictive and I am sure you will be looking for other projects to crochet using it!


Difficulty Level


Finished Size

52 inches wide and 12 inches tall before assembly
14.5 inches wide (when on a flat surface) assembled and 12 inches tall; without being stretched

If you want it folded like I showed in the photos below the finished height folded is approximately 6 inches.


1.4 bobbles per inch
3 rows per inch

7 bobbles worked in the pattern (bobble, sc) in 5 inches
12 rows worked in pattern (bobble row then sc row) 4 inches

You can substitute the yarn and hook of your choice for this design. Remember if you use a heavier weight yarn with a larger hook and then follow the written instructions; you will need more yarn than I used and the scarf will also be heavier and larger when it is finished.


US Terminology used

beg-bo – beginning bobble
bo – bobble
ch – chain
R – row/round
rem – remaining
rep – repeat
sc – single crochet
sk – skip
sl st – slip stitch
st/sts – stitch/stitches
* – Repeat the instructions between the asterisks the number of times indicated. This repeat will contain of multiple instructions.
() – Repeat the instructions between the parentheses the number of times indicated.
[] – at the end of the row – the total number of stitches

Special Stitches

Note…do not be afraid of the bobble 🙂 it is basically a dc4tog all in one stitch…I will write it out for you below but if you have ever decreased double crochet stitches this is going to be a super easy project for you!

Beginning Bobble; abbreviated: beg-bo

Ch 3, *yarn over your hook, insert your hook into the first st of the row (this is the same one the ch 3 is in), yarn over and pull up 1 loop. Yarn over and pull through 2 of the loops on your hook.** Rep from * to ** 4 times. You will have 5 loops on your hook. Yarn over and pull through all 5 loops.  (do not chain 1)

beginning bobble

Please ignore the row which this is being worked into – I wanted to have a visual for you for the stitch so I worked it in my final row and then removed it.

Bobble; abbreviated: bo

*Yarn over your hook, insert your hook into the specified st, yarn over and pull up 1 loop. Yarn over and pull through 2 of the loops on your hook.** Rep from * to ** 4 times. You will have 5 loops on your hook. Yarn over and pull through all 5 loops.  (do not chain 1)

bobble step 1 and 2

bobble step 3 and 4

Bobble complete

Each bobble we complete will be followed by 1 sc in the next stitch. This is written in the pattern instructions below. I wanted to show you we are not doing a chain 1 to close the bobble stitch – instead we immediately work 1 sc in the next st – which ‘closes’ the bobble.

Helpful Tutorials

Invisible Seam Stitch Joining Technique

Stitch Anatomy

Helpful Video Tutorials

Quick Stitch Guide 

Slip Knot and Starting Chain

Single Crochet


  • This project is worked flat until R35. From R35 to R36 you work in rounds. The side edges of the project are seamed together.
  • Chain a multiple of 2+1

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Scarf of the Month Club March 2017 All The Colors Cowl Oombawka Design

Pattern Instructions

Scarf of the Month Club 2017 - March - All The Colors Cowl Free Pattern Click to Tweet

R1: Ch 75, beg in 2nd ch from hook and work 1 sc in the back bump of each ch across, turn. [74]

R2: 1 beg-bo in the first st, 1 sc in the next st, *1 bo in the next st, 1 sc in the next st**. Rep from * to ** across. Ch 1, turn. [1 beg-bo, 37 sc, 36 bo]

R3: 1 sc in each st across. [74 sc]

R4-R33: Rep R2 and R3

R34: Rep R2, ch 1, but do NOT turn your work. Instead, bring the side edges of the cowl together and continue to R35. You will be working in rounds.

Chain 1 do not turn 1 sc in each around

R35: 1 sc in each st around. [74 sc]

R36: Sk the ch 1 and beg in the first sc of R35. Work (1 sl st, ch 1) in each sc around. Finish off with a sl st in the initial sl st of the round making sure to leave a long tail to seam your cowl edges together.

skip the chain 1 and work 1 sl st ch 1 in each around


I used an invisible seaming technique to join my side edges together. You can see how this is done in this tutorial:

Invisible Seam Stitch Joining Technique

If you are using a solid color of yarn or variegated yarn you can simply whip stitch your edges together instead 🙂 Need help? View this tutorial:

WhipStitch Seam

You can see some other joining techniques in this tutorial:

Joining Techniques


All The Colors Cowl Scarf of the Month Club 2017 March Oombawka Design Crochet


 Where To Share Your #SCARFOFTHEMONTHCLUB2017 Progress Online

I have put together a helpful tutorial on how to add projects to Ravelry, which you can find here.
  1. Ravelry – Create your project pages HERE
  2. Instagram and tag us!  @thestitchinmommy and/or @oombawkadesign
  3. Facebook Crochet With Us CAL Group (ask questions and share here!)
  4. Share using #SCARFOFTHEMONTHCLUB2017 (so we can search online for it!)

If you would like to be notified when the new free scarf patterns are published, you can sign up for our FREE monthly newsletter here:

SUBSCRIBE HERE to be notified each month when the Scarf Patterns are available!

 Scarf of the Month Club March All The Colors Cowl Oombawka Design

Love Bobbles? You may LOVE this Crochet Stitch Book:

50 Fabulous Crochet Bobbles, Popcorns and Puffs Review and Free Pattern!(Opens in a new browser tab)


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