April Hat CAL – 2017

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Are you ready to make your April Hat #CALOFTHEMONTH2017 project with us? Today is the day!

Amy and I both had family emergencies over the past week and we have fallen behind – we are slowly getting back on track and I thank you each for your patience and understanding!

Here’s the information you need to get started on your April Hat CAL Project!


The pattern you voted for us to crochet for April’s Hat CAL is:

Alpine Nights Beanie by Maria Bittner

#CALOFTHEMONTH2017 Crochet Hat Project Designed by Maria B Pattern Paradise

Alpine Nights Beanie by Maria Bittner

Yarn: Category 4 Medium (Worsted) Weight Yarn
Hook: 5.5 mm (I)
Finished Sizes: Child/Adult
Additional Notions: Pom Pom Maker (optional)

I haven’t started my project yet because I had a minor surgery on my eye this Thursday but I plan to start soon and I am going to be crocheting the Adult Size hat using a ball of my stashed Caron Cakes. Did you know Maria has a matching scarf pattern too? You can check the matching scarf pattern out here: Alpine Nights Scarf. If you get this month’s project completed early and liked working in this stitch pattern you may want to make a scarf too 🙂

My Supplies: Yarn: Caron Cakes; Hook: 5.5 mm
My Ravelry Project Page: April #CALOFTHEMONTH2017 Hat CAL

What You Need To Do To Participate:

1. Create Your Project Page on Ravelry HERE and add #CALOFTHEMONTH2017 as a Tag to your project so we can see them all!

Choose Add to Favorites and Hook It! to set up your Project Page.

If you need help with this, here is a walk-through tutorial to show you how to add your Project on Ravelry. I thank you in advance for creating your project pages. It helps us keep track of the number of participants who complete their projects each month and it helps us decide which types of projects you enjoy (both for type and difficulty level!) for future Months.

2. If you need help with your CAL project, or you want to share your progress in a group setting; join us in the CWU CAL Group on Facebook! Once you have been approved to be in the CAL Group you can visit our EVENT Page here: #CALOFTHEMONTH April Hat CAL.

Please note, Facebook only lets us create Events for a few weeks at a time and once they go live they disappear (poof!) from the Event Page (which makes no sense to any of us) – so we have opted to create an Event Page for every Saturday of the month. That way when you go to the Group you can find one of the Event Pages always there (without having to search everywhere for past events) and comment on any of them for the month of the CAL – this way we can share and help each other with questions, etc. easily! You do not have to make this project last the entire month 🙂 in fact I suspect many of you will be able to complete it the first weekend! Proceed at your own pace 🙂 and have fun!

See you soon!

April #CALOFTHEMONTH2017 Hat Project!

Join CWU CAL Group on Facebook!



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