Animal The Definitive Visual Guide | Book Review
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Title: Animal The Definitive Visual Guide
Published By: Dorling Kindersley, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7566-8677-2
Editors-in-Chief: David Burnie and Don E. Wilson
Animal The Definitive Visual Guide
This updated and revised edition of the original Animal publication from 2001, includes close to 2000 animal profiles – each with breathtaking color photographs and detailed descriptions.
Animal The Definitive Visual Guide is 632-pages in length and organized into 3 sections.
The first section:
Introduces us to:
- What Are Animals?
- Evolution
- Classification
- Cladistics
- Animal Names and Groups
- Anatomy
- Behavior
- Life Cycles
- Animals In Danger
- Conservation
The next section:
We are introduced to:
- World Habitats
- Grassland
- Desert
- Tropical Forest
- Temperate Forest
- Coniferous Forest
- Mountains
- Polar Regions
- Fresh Water
- Oceans
- Coasts and Coral Reefs
- Urban Areas
The main section of the book is:
The Animal Kingdom
The Animal Kingdom is broken into 6-parts: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fishes and Invertebrates. At the beginning of each part the animal group is introduced; then the orders and families of the group; followed by the specific species. Here you will find stunning color photography and detailed descriptions about each animal species.
Within the description(s) you will find the Latin Name, the Common Name, the Location where the species is located, the Habitat and the Data Field (i.e. size, weight, social unit and status).
The description also includes a text profile which outlines noteworthy facts about the species and most also include color illustrations; either photographs or artwork, of the adult male of the species.
The Glossary and Index are included at the very end of the publication.
I could literally spend hours looking through this book – there are so many animals included! Animal The Definitive Visual Guide is so full of color and information it can easily grab and keep the attention of both my young children.
In fact, I caught them browsing through and looking at the pictures together when I was making supper just the other day! As they get older I think this will become a great reference book for them for school projects too!
I am extremely happy to have Animal The Definitive Visual Guide on our family bookshelf. We will enjoy reading it together for years to come.
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This looks like a great reference book !