35 Properly Naughty Patterns

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This book includes more than 35 Properly Naughty Patterns.

[disclaimer]I received a copy of this book to review from St. Martin’s Griffin. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. This post includes affiliate links. If you purchase this book after you click on one of my affiliate links in the post, I will receive a small commission for referring you, at no additional cost to you.[/disclaimer]

This post includes a few naughty words!

Improper Cross-Stitch. 35 Properly Naughty Patterns. Haley Pierson-Cox. St. Martins Griffin. Book Review by Oombawka Design Crochet

Title: Improper Cross-Stitch
Published By: St. Martin’s Press © August 2018
ISBN: 978-1-250-08898-7
Author: Haley Pierson-Cox
Photographer: Jeremy and Haley Pierson-Cox

I used to cross-stitch a lot before I had my children. I loved making traditional cross-stitch projects and I even have a few framed around my home. You will find a lovely stitched Amsterdam Scene in my en-suite that I stitched after we returned from Holland.

Crochet has been keeping me quite busy lately but when St. Martin’s Press emailed me about this new book by Haley Pierson-Cox I had to have it. The concept is unique and I was totally intrigued by what patterns would be offered in the book.

The combination of the beautifully hand-stitched designs and the improper themes totally work for me. There are some smartly hidden bits in some of these designs that you may not see at first glance.

There are so many fun and unique projects in Improper Cross-Stitch. There are a few naughty words included too but most of the projects are acceptable for all eyes and ages.

The book is also a great beginner book because Haley takes the time to introduce you to cross-stitches and how to properly work your projects and then how to finish and frame them. As an added bonus you will find information on how to design your own custom patterns included at the very end of the book.

The book begins by exploring the Tools of the Cross-Stitch Trade. You will learn about embroidery floss, tapestry needles, choosing your fabric, an intro to grid size, embroidery hoops and additional tools you may need to make the cross-stitch designs.

The Basics of Cross-Stitch teaches you how to:

  • cut and prepare your fabric and pattern
  • read a cross-stitch chart
  • make a cross-stitch
  • make multiple cross-stitches in a row
  • start and finish without using knots
  • decorative stitches

The patterns included in Improper Cross-Stitch are arranged in different sections.

Hipster Snark

  • Cat Lady for Life
  • Say It with Flowers
  • Make It Modern
  • Pup Rock
  • Sweet Campfire Dreams
  • Bike Date
  • Nope
  • Unexpected Tea Party
  • Not a Dirty Word
  • Zero Fucks Given

Cat Lady for Life. Improper Cross Stitch. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet.

Ironically Domestic

  • Badass Garden Gnomes
  • Full Metal Feminist
  • 99 Problems
  • Home Is Where My Hound Is
  • Wine and Cats
  • I’ll Cut You
  • Classic Libations
  • Armed and Creative
  • Home Sweet Castle
  • Stitchers Gonna Stitch
  • That Escalated Quickly
  • Damn, It Feels Good

Stitchers Gonna Stitch. Improper Cross Stitch. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet.

Talk Nerdy To Me

  • No Prince Necessary
  • Evil Genius
  • Talk Nerdy to Me
  • Morning Cup of Chemistry
  • Girls in Glasses
  • Grammar Police
  • Squad Goals
  • Smart Is the New Sexy
  • Robot Love
  • Written in the Stars

Squad Goals. Improper Cross Stitch. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet.

Robots in Love. Improper Cross Stitch. Book Review Oombawka Design Crochet.

To make your projects even more your own, three separate alphabets have been provided.

Alphabet Patterns

  • Sans-Serif Alphabe
  • Cursive Alphabet
  • Line Alphabet

Once you have completed your project, you need to read the next section on Finishing and Framing. It includes details on how to properly clean and press your work, as well as, how to frame your work in a frame or in an embroidery hoop.

If you run out of projects to make, Section 8 outlines how to design your own custom pattern.

Improper Cross-Stitch is a delightful book. It is filled with humor and fun and potentially improper cross-stitch patterns you can make and display in your home…or give as gifts to the friends who know you best. I personally love this book but I do understand it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea – but to this sarcastic and nerdy crafter, this book is uniquely fantastic.

If you would like to purchase your own copy of Improper Cross-Stitch by Haley Pierson-Cox, it is available on Amazon.

A special thanks to St. Martin’s Griffin for providing me with a review copy of this book!  The cover image of Improper Cross-Stitch by Haley Pierson-Cox was reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Griffin.

For more information about St. Martin’s Griffin – visit their Website, Facebook, or Twitter !

Check out my other Book Reviews right here!


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  1. How fun. I’ve not done cross-stitching since I was a teenager and I wasn’t good at it then. But this book review sure makes me want to rethink and give it a try.

  2. I bought this book for my sis in law, she loved it. Thanks again for reviewing this book. It was a delight to see the cute and funny things in there. Of course I have to look at it myself. I have picked out things for her to make for me.

  3. This book sounds wonderful and fun. I have to get one for my sister in-law. She is the cross stitch person in the family. The review makes me want this book, was a total good read.

  4. Cross stitch seems so proper. I like the idea of pushing the normal limits of this craft. Rhondda makes the book sound like it’s fun to work with and has cute designs.

  5. Fun stuff! Everybody has that one (or more!!) person in their life that would love a naughty cross-stitch!

  6. OMG!! I love cross-stitch patterns like this! ❤
    With all of the hard stuff in life, we gotta have some laughter!!
    Thanks for sharing!!
    Janelle C